Rodney Hu Goju Ryu Karate is an IOGKF Member School

Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation (IOGKF) is one of the largest traditional Okinawan Karate organisations globally, guided by World Chief Instructor, Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura, alongside his esteemed International Executive Committee, IOGKF International pledges to safeguard the invaluable cultural legacy of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. This art, passed down through generations in its authentic form, is cherished by practitioners worldwide.
Established in 1979, IOGKF has drawn diverse martial artists from across the world, drawn by its authenticity and deep-rooted connection to the style's origins. Members passionately support the federation's mission, seminars, training camps, and major international events held annually. Boasting over 75,000 members across 55 nations, IOGKF warmly welcomes new members to its international karate family.
In July 1979, Morio Higaonna Sensei founded the IOGKF with the primary aim of preserving traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, a treasure of intangible cultural heritage. Supported by figures like Ken Miyagi and Anichi Miyagi, successors to Goju-Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi, as well as senior students of Chojun Miyagi, the IOGKF has flourished.
With over 55 affiliated countries and 75,000 members worldwide, the federation hosts annual gasshuku (training seminars) to uphold correct techniques and foster camaraderie among members. Recognized by the Japanese government as a true Japanese traditional martial arts organization, IOGKF proudly belongs to the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai (Japan Traditional Martial Arts Association).
Today, the IOGKF remains committed to its original purpose, reflecting the dedication it held in 1979. The IOGKF follows the philosophy of Goju-Ryu founder "Bushi" Chojun Miyagi, keeping his philosophy alive in our practice. With this in mind, Higaonna Sensei highlights the importance of dedicating ourselves to hard-working training, enabling us to grab the very essence of our art.
Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura, appointed as Higaonna Sensei's successor in 2012, continues to lead IOGKF International alongside Vice Chief Instructors Sensei Ernie Molyneux and Sensei Henrik Larsen. In 2022, at the age of 84, Higaonna Sensei gracefully retired from his role and bid farewell to IOGKF, leaving behind a heartfelt impact on generations of martial artists.
IOGKF International's headquarters, the Honbu Dojo, is situated in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, under the stewardship of Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura.